Friday, May 28, 2010



早上老闆要去買咖啡,隨口問聖伯納有沒有想喝什麼,聖伯納說他想喝果汁。10分鐘後老闆拿了維他命水跟提神飲料給聖伯納選。聖伯納遲疑了一下因為沒看到果汁阿?! 老闆看他兩秒鐘沒反應就把兩瓶都塞給他說你通通喝掉吧,這樣早上會很有精神。


Sunday, May 23, 2010


當知名網路觀察部落格新文章提到Location Based Service的概念,列舉所謂美國三大廠商卻沒提到自己公司,就硬是不服氣地浮出水面假裝是路人善意提醒一下。

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


聲音啞了好幾天,味覺也一直呈現一個百廢待舉的狀態。 好吧,用百廢待舉來形容味覺真的是一整個亂用,但是當你喝再濃的茶,感覺都像在喝白開水的時候,用哪句話形容也就沒那麼重要了。



我真是太愛劃線的html code了,可以口無遮攔又可以假裝沒講過。

Tuesday, May 18, 2010



李小龍跟很多明星合作過,包括當時什麼咖都不是的成龍跟美國不死傳奇Chuck Norris。成龍在精武門演日本人,整個人被扭摔出去,入鏡不到10秒,沒什麼好提的。倒是Chuck Norris跟李小龍的打鬥片段很精彩,看得出來當時的編劇很用心,為了強調中西生理特徵大不同以及Chuck Norris的男子氣概,特地安排了抓毛的橋段:

movie photo

movie photo

movie photo

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movie photo


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Social Networking Addiction

Living and working in Silicon Valley Network bubble, sometimes I feel overwhelmed.

I mean, I need to know 5W1H of iPhone 4G leak story just to keep up a conversation with coworkers. Everyday I read TechChunch, Gizmodo to maintains my geek/nerdy levels. My phone check my email every 10 minutes. I feel naked when I forget my phone at home. I don't really talk to my friends that much anymore but I consistently review their feeds on facebook. I still know everything happen around them, and sorta participate their life exciting moments by pressing the like button. Oh and of course, sometimes debunk their dirty lies with solid facebook evidences on the wall.

I like how convenient technologies bring us BUT sometimes I really miss the good old days. The joy that you find a great restaurant spontaneously and not from Yelp reviews. The joy that you receive a hand writing card from mail, not hoops & yoyo screaming and dancing on your computer screen. Maybe this is too strict but when thing get done too easily, it's hard to feel the "heart weight" behind it anymore. How would I know you actually care if you spend literally a minute to find a gift on amazon and send it to me?

And all those messages posting on social networking sites looks personal but careless, too. People keep sending out messages on this internet platforms/stages such as express feelings, show off travel photos, and sometimes whatever they eating at the moment. They want to be the celebrities in their social circle, and all their friends suppose to be their fans and press like button on everything they do. I couldn't help but wonder, are they really who they are on the stage? Or they are more like developing an image of how they want people seeing them. You know, like how those beautiful actress legend never need to eat and poop.

I actually been very low key on facebook nowadays since my boss is on it. I don't find a good reason to share my personal life to 3/4 people on my facebook, plus I don't think they care anyway. Ironically, I am complaining about all this but doing exactly the same thing by posting this article on my blog. Though most people won't see it. (Am I less guilty by being anonymous here ?)

I am sure I will be fine from stop reading all those techie forums/being away from facebook and IM. Maybe the only side effect will be quieter on lunch table with coworkers? But since I am wondering if geotagging will be the next trend on social networking (and I really wish that happen), I better keep posted on Techchunch.

Well, I probably need to check my feeds now. I can't believe it's been an hour. ciao.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010




Sunday, May 9, 2010



插了卡按了鈕,烘衣機開始運轉。印度大叔突然拿著一件肉色大內褲問我"這是你的嗎?" 我頭上冒出三條線,笑著跟他說不是。心裡想著“拜託,我哪有可能穿這種東西,就算真的穿了也不可能會跑到你的籃子裡,就算真的發生這種事我也不可能會承認是我的。“

大叔天真了 一.一|||。

又 快感冒了,早上起來喉嚨痛到不行。Ugh…..

Friday, May 7, 2010


